Friday, January 30, 2015

No, I Don't Want to Steam My Uterus

Oh, Gwynnie, Gwynnie, Gwynnie. You were so good in Shakespeare in Love and incredibly awesome in Glee, but oh, honey...  Telling people they should steam their uterus (and yes, going with the singular "uterus" there as I have not a clue what the plural would be. Uterii?!

Anyhoo, no, no, no. Excuse me while I clench my legs shut in pain at the thought of that. I've felt a waft of steam when I've opened dishwashers in the past and that just momentarily hits my face, which is more than enough. And you want us to voluntarily and happily steam our vaginas? That is just crazy talk.

This is going to go hella-bad hella-fast. People will jump on this bandwagon because it's Gwynnie and start offering this or even worse doing so to oneself at home. I predict an influx in ER and GYN visits after women have accidentally burnt their vaginas. Gaaah.

And she suggests making it a mugwort steam. Yeaaah, mugwort is a form of ragweed. Hellooo, allergic reaction for pollen sufferers.

Gwynnie, I love ya, gal. You were fantastic in your Howard Stern interview but I'm surely not jumping on board this steam engine.

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