Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Reunion Hall Passes: This is Really a Thing??

So, apparently free "hall passes" at a reunion are a thing. I'll give that a second to sink in.

Yup, that means what you think it means.

I've heard the term "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". Can't say I've heard "What happens at Reunion stays at Reunion", because that's not quite how it works. Just no.

But, yet, people apparently do think this. Have heard far too many tales of both men and women going to a class reunion and thinking that means they can hook up with no consequences, despite being married. Wow. When did this become okay?

Can't say I'm a fan if this is the "New Normal."


Ginger said...

Just say no. Vegas stays in Vegas; Vegas doesn't get a pass to the reunion. Hall passes belong in high school. And people need to keep their business in their pants. Eesh.

Unknown said...

But, Ginger, just think of the money we could make selling hall passes at reunions. ;) NOT for us to use, but if there's a market...