Friday, September 11, 2015

My Latest & Greatest Freebie List

As it should, the celebrity "freebie" list changes over time. And mine definitely has -- even from the last one a few months back. Here's the latest one:

1. Alexander Skaarsgard -- He remains number one. The height. Those arms. That ass. The ability to look like a Norse god while sitting out in the snow buck naked, and the confidence to know he's damn fine and to go full-frontal (I was sweet enough to check that link to make sure it works) on screen while doing so. Oh, yes, he gets the first spot.
2 David Bowie as the Goblin King in "Labyrinth". Yeah, that probably shows a whole slew of S&M interests there, but he was hooooot. And hell, I wrote a whole blog post previously about that bulge.
3. Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Come on. Just come on. So. Freaking. Hot. The cocky (yes, pun intended) attitude; those eyes. The hair needs some work but who cares when you've got the rest of it.
4. Bruce Willis -- Specifically in "Die Hard". Hot and lean and powerful. Yippee-ki-yay mother fucker, indeed.

And I'm realizing here that the last 3 are all from years (cough cough decades cough cough) past. Shouldn't continue with that, so that rules out John Crichton from "Farscape" (who is totally hot -- those arms. Yes, I have a thing for strong arms); Philip Glennister who was on Life on Mars (it's a power thing. His character just looks and acts like he could take anyone down who needed to be taken down...) and others. At least Alexander Skaarsgard is recent, but I need a new addition here. Drum roll, please...

5. Peter Capaldi as the Doctor on "Doctor Who". I was thrilled when they re-aged the Doctor, because Matt Smith (although just adorable!) did nothing for me. Far too young. Now there's Capaldi's Doctor, who has a glint in his eye of just a bit of madness and wit galore and he's long, lean and just yeah, hot.

Okay, who's on your list?

Are Open Relationships More Normal than I Think?

First, let me say right off the bat -- sorry, kids -- this is not me announcing I'm embarking on an open relationship. LOL Not happening. This girl likes being monogamous. Okay, now that I've cleared that up...

I was talking to a  guy friend the other day who's on Tindr (and yes, I've mentioned Tindr before in the post about how I think dating is pretty much dead these days -- although I keep hoping I'm wrong about that), and he mentioned that his latest potential match stated right in her profile that she was involved in an open relationship with a guy from New York, but was looking for others as well. He wondered if open relationships were more normal than he thought these days because that was a new one to him.

Now I know I have some friends who are in open relationships, so I'm certainly not putting down the concept. I'm of the whatever floats your boat mentality -- an open relationship just isn't for me.

To me, it seems like it would get too confusing and like there's far too much potential for people to get hurt. Although, as I'm thinking about it -- there's the potential for people to get hurt in any relationship, isn't there? My main concern is what happens if two of the three or more people in a poly-amorous relationship develop stronger feelings for each other and leave the other in the dust. But as I'm writing that, I'm realizing that heck, that could happen in any relationship, couldn't it? Someone develops feelings for someone else and someone gets hurt.

So, maybe an open relationship isn't really all that different from a regular relationship. It's just a matter of the number of people involved. Like I said, do what works for you as long as you don't hurt people.

But I'm still curious -- Are you in (no judgment here, folks) or do you know people who are in an open relationship? Is this more normal than we think?