Friday, September 11, 2015

My Latest & Greatest Freebie List

As it should, the celebrity "freebie" list changes over time. And mine definitely has -- even from the last one a few months back. Here's the latest one:

1. Alexander Skaarsgard -- He remains number one. The height. Those arms. That ass. The ability to look like a Norse god while sitting out in the snow buck naked, and the confidence to know he's damn fine and to go full-frontal (I was sweet enough to check that link to make sure it works) on screen while doing so. Oh, yes, he gets the first spot.
2 David Bowie as the Goblin King in "Labyrinth". Yeah, that probably shows a whole slew of S&M interests there, but he was hooooot. And hell, I wrote a whole blog post previously about that bulge.
3. Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Come on. Just come on. So. Freaking. Hot. The cocky (yes, pun intended) attitude; those eyes. The hair needs some work but who cares when you've got the rest of it.
4. Bruce Willis -- Specifically in "Die Hard". Hot and lean and powerful. Yippee-ki-yay mother fucker, indeed.

And I'm realizing here that the last 3 are all from years (cough cough decades cough cough) past. Shouldn't continue with that, so that rules out John Crichton from "Farscape" (who is totally hot -- those arms. Yes, I have a thing for strong arms); Philip Glennister who was on Life on Mars (it's a power thing. His character just looks and acts like he could take anyone down who needed to be taken down...) and others. At least Alexander Skaarsgard is recent, but I need a new addition here. Drum roll, please...

5. Peter Capaldi as the Doctor on "Doctor Who". I was thrilled when they re-aged the Doctor, because Matt Smith (although just adorable!) did nothing for me. Far too young. Now there's Capaldi's Doctor, who has a glint in his eye of just a bit of madness and wit galore and he's long, lean and just yeah, hot.

Okay, who's on your list?

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