Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dude Looks Like a Lady: The Opposite

So, Halloween is on the way again. I'm thrilled because I love costumes -- which has previously been slightly discussed in this blog post. Dressing up is fun at Halloween and otherwise.

For this year's Halloween party, I decided on Snow White. And of course every good Snow White costume needs a black wig, right? Well, my version of Snow White has let her hair grow into long black curls with bangs. Works for me.

However, I was just thinking about that wig earlier today and remembered that I wore a wig just like it back in college Sophomore year for a Halloween party/mixer. I was a gypsy and wore a long black curly wig, a tie-dyed long skirt and this satin black top with long sheer sleeves (that I then used later as part of a witch costume and a hooker witch costume -- difference: Hooker witch had handcuffs on her belt).

When I was all dressed up and walking around campus with some friends, we ran into a guy I had a crush on at the time. As we were all talking, a very drunk senior girl came by. She stopped, and looked at me and said "Are you a guy?"

OUCH. Just ouch. Yeah, I was crushed. Yes, I'm tall and have had broad shoulders forever, and yes, she was very very drunk, but dayum. That one stung -- and apparently still does since it's still stuck with me.

Okay, so it didn't help that my self-confidence about my looks was basically non-existent, but duuuude, yikes. Way to have one throwaway comment last like that and carry itself with me to feed into that "ugly duckling" mentality,

Since then, yes, my makeup game is much better and I've found MUCH better bras -- and don't make it a habit to hang around drunk college girls. ;) I've also found quite a bit of self-confidence since then -- some would say too much considering the amount of selfies I take (which actually oddly enough I read recently can help to serve as increasing self confidence and body image. I'll take it), but considering how little self-confidence I used to have, it's a nice change.

All of this just from one little wig. Guess it shows how much comments can stay with a person. I will still wear the wig and love it, but I may go with another for passing out Halloween candy (aww, what a shame. I'll need to buy another wig. Lol) just to avoid any questions from teenage trick-or-treaters. Once burned, twice shy and all that...

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