Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Dating Site Erases 10 Pounds... And Years

Okay, time to be serious here (well, as serious as I can be). What is with this trend of posting profile pics on dating sites that are clearly 10 years and/or 50 pounds ago??

I feel the need to add here that no, I'm not on any dating sites (down, boys!), but what I've been hearing from friends for years and again just this week is appalling to me.

Isn't the point of a dating site to actually meet the other person in person? Whatever the intent is from there -- be it a random one-night hookup or a relationship -- doesn't change anything. The idea is still to meet at some point face to face, yes?

Presuming that is indeed the case, why in bloody hell would you choose to use a picture(s) that doesn't even remotely reflect how you look today? I just don't get it. And this is from someone who used to avoid cameras like the plague because I had an extreme lack of any self-confidence and thought I was hideous. So hell, ANY pic I would consider a bad one (and now looking back at those pics, I want to get in a time machine and knock some sense into myself -- but that's a whole other blog post that I think I've written already). But even with that, if I was on a dating site then (internet didn't exist - I'm ancient 😂 ), even I would have put a current pic up. I wouldn't have even considered otherwise.

Seriously, twice now a friend has met someone online and then either met them in person or saw another pic of them elsewhere and discovered the profile and other pics were from many years and pounds ago. Why?? I just don't get it.

It's like if I rented a movie that I thought was a comedy and turned out to be a drama/sad movie -- yes, I'm looking at you "The Family Stone". Lighthearted feel-good movie, my ass. Spoiler alert: The mom dies. It's tragic! You are why I have movie trust issues. And pics that are from years/many pounds ago are why people have dating site trust issues.

If you are really on a site to really meet someone, come on... Start from a sense of reality and post a pic of who you REALLY are. Yes, it might not be a model-like picture, but you never know who might be out there who would like you FOR you and you're not giving them a chance at all by posting a pic that isn't you. Just don't do it.

There is a quote that was in Doctor Who that sums this up for me perfectly. It goes along that you could be talking to the most beautiful person in the world, but after five minutes you realize that person is as dull as bricks and there is no spark, so they become less beautiful in your eyes. And then there is the opposite -- oh, that opposite. Where you see a person and you think they're okay looking and then you talk to them and you get to know who they are and to you they become the most beautiful person in the world.

That last part there. That is what you want. Take that chance and and put yourself -- the real yourself -- out there. The person you meet who matches with you and then starts talking to you from that pic is the one you want.

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