I've been kind of waiting for this day, ever since word leaked that Jo Jo's season of The Bachelorette had the hottest guys ever. The pics of the lads (I so want to call them Jo Jo's harem, but pretty sure that only relates to women, no?) have been revealed and the verdict is...
Honestly? I'm kind of disappointed. <insert Price is Right loser music here>
Maybe it was over-sell by people claiming that the guys were the hottest yet, but I'm not feeling it. Just two or three of the guys made me interested enough by their pic to click to find out more about them. The rest just got a solid "meh" from me.
And I'm putting this out there now because I'm sure when the show starts and the guys are all shirtless basically 24/7, I'm going to change my tune and be all "Whooaaaa, baby" and "brown chicken brown cow". (Also, if you don't know that song, click on the link now and take a listen. Love it. And love Trace Adkins, who is my own personal kind of taller than tall hot.) Or I'll get to "know" them by hearing them talk and hearing their stories/seeing how they are with Jo Jo and they'll become more attractive that way. That definitely happens and I'm sure it will this time, too. There's a Doctor Who quote about that when Amy is discussing her to-be husband, Rory...
“You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later they're dull as a brick. But then there's other people, and you meet them and you think 'not bad, they're okay', and then you get to know them, and their face sort of becomes them, like their personality's written all over it, and they just they turn into something so beautiful...”
So much that. Love when that happens. I'm sure there are quite a few of the guys in the cast that I'm just passing by at first glance and will think are tremendously hot because of who they are (and possibly on account of their abs, too. Yes, I'm shallow. This isn't news.) by the end of the season.
The three guys that stuck out to me the most just from the pics alone are Chase, Luke and Wells.
* Chase - Hot. Just hot. Yowza. And I clicked on his info and "Chronicles of Narnia" is one of his favorite movies. Shut up. Just shut up. Aslan and Mister Tumnus and "Turkish Delight" (It's a candy) and of course, the armoire. I'm still always disappointed when the back of my armoire doesn't lead to Narnia. That needs to happen some day.
* Luke - Okay, my first thought when seeing him was that he's hot but looks like he knows it and is a douche. I clicked on his info fully expecting to see that he was a model or actor. Instead, I see that he's a war veteran. Okay, so I am not the walrus. I'm the douche. Ugh. I guess he could still be a jackass, but he's a vet, so I'm hoping like hell that is not the case.
* Wells - He looks like someone I would have fallen for back in high school, right down to the pins on the jacket. What is up with the pins on the jacket?? But, he's cute in an adorable kind of way.
Haven't read any spoilers about this season, although we all know they're out there and I typically do read up so I know ahead of time. And heck I probably will wind up reading Reality Steve again because I'm addicted to being in the know. But, as of this writing, I don't know squat. Heck, for all I know, all three of these guys were eliminated on the first night, although I hope not!
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