Tuesday, May 31, 2016

JoJo's Bachelorette Episode 2 aka Tune in Tokyo

I didn't do a post for the first season because it's all really just the intros and the first cocktail party.

Plus, I actually only watched 20 minutes of it as a certain little guy was having a tough night's sleep so I spent the time hanging with him instead. Priorities won out.

So, starting off with the 2nd episode and the first week of dates.

Group Date

JoJo coming in to wield and spray a water hose. Yeaaah, no innuendo there. None.

Hmm, a firefighting contest, you say? Not too surprising at all that the firefighter, Grant, won. That was a really good kiss, though.

Wells was freaking adorable. Poor guy. And when he was talking to JoJo during the night portion of the group date and grinned. Oh my gosh, I swooned. Great, great smile. Plus, he has a dog named Carl. I love it! Seriously, he's my top favorite.

Luke. What can I say. So, so hot. JoJo's into him. She kept touching him while they were talking and stroking his hair and just constantly in contact with him. Girl is interested and why shouldn't she be? That kiss out on the balcony? Smoking.

Derek's One-on-One Date

The choices were cute, but what would have happened if they didn't say the same choice? I assume JoJo's choice would have fun. I did laugh when the options were "North" and "South" in the plane and they both chose North because going South would mean they would have flown into the ground. Ay yi yi. That's not what that means. LOL They would have gone in the direction of South from where they were. Nutters.

Derek seemed really normal and totally cute. He became even cuter when I saw those arm muscles stretch in that henley/baseball T he was wearing. Yum... And aww, poor guy was cheated on. I'm sure plenty of girls will be more than willing to console him if JoJo doesn't choose him.

NOTE: I have no idea who wins this season. Yes, I've read the spoilers in the past, but trying a new tactic this year.


Holy shit. It's like the mothership calling the boys home. JoJo grew up watching ESPN? Doubtful! (Edited to add that the Internet proved me wrong, folks. Guess she is a fan.)

Those victory dances were pretty funny. I'm not sure what Nick was doing when he said he was adjusting the shower knobs, but it totally looked like he was playing "Tune in Tokyo" to me. Cracked up when he was doing that.

Chad calling JoJo "naggy". No, hon, just no. That doesn't fly. It's like insulting a girl as a pick-up line. Doesn't work and if any of the girls reading this ever fall for this shit, please take a look at your self-confidence level. Not okay. Although I do have to give Chad props (very begrudgingly since he screams "frat boy douche" to me) for saying it's bullshit that the guys are all saying they're in love with JoJo on basically their first date. That is true. Far too early, kids.

For the night-time portion of the ESPN date...

James Taylor. Oh, honey, I can't tell if those were potential song lyrics or a poem or what, but I think "Hardcore man stuff" was not exactly the phrase he was looking for. Seriously. ;) He did win me over with that sweet kiss, though. Boys, some advice here. When you're going in for a kiss, mimic James T's move of rubbing your thumb against her cheek/chin. It's a winner.

Rose Ceremony and Pre-Ceremony Cocktail Party

Nice steal before the party, Chad. Dammit, way to make me feel bad for ya by revealing you lost your mom 6 months ago. Crap. I felt kind of bad for calling the guy a douche, but then his antics during the party, especially threatening Alex and putting his hand in his face brought back the douche factor. Not a fan. Yes, good choice to actually EAT during the cocktail party rather than drink his brains out, but yeesh.

Wells wears pink socks!! Continuing the love.

Alex, you can't really get mad at Chad for cutting in on your talk, since that was absolutely producer-driven. Plus, have you ever seen this show? This happens every season.

The Men Overall

Chase reminds me of the "I'm a grown ass man" Chris Bukowski from Emily's season. Heck, so many of these men are interchangeable. Chase, Jordan and Chad all look the same. And whoever that guy is that was the last one to leave after the roses were given -- I thought that was James Taylor and was shocked he didn't get a rose. But then I saw James T standing there still and remembered he already had a rose.

My current faves: 

  • Wells
  • Derek
  • Luke

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