Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bullet Dodged

File this under -- dodged a bullet. Nothing like finding out that an impression you had of someone was faulty at best. Wow.

There was a high school reunion this weekend for the class before mine. So, naturally, that got me thinking about my high school days and the guys I had crushes on then. I realized that I know what most of them have been up to (thank you, Facebook LOL), but there was one that didn't seem to be on FB. So, of course, I googled.

Wow. Wish I hadn't. The guy has a very, very unique name so it was easy to find him through Google -- but what I found was that he was charged with assault and battery a few years back on an elderly disabled person, who may have been his father. Holy hell! Not what I was expecting at all. At all.

This guy... Maaaan, when I was back in high school, he was the sweetest guy. So quiet, but insanely smart and just had this sarcastic sense of humor that I got. Loved it. He was the first guy I ever asked out. Ack... Remember, this was before Internet, so I called his home and asked him to prom. Aaah. What was I thinking? He turned me down for a very valid reason (can't say what it was because that would give it away who he is quite likely to anyone that went to high school with me). But I was of course crushed.

Knowing this, though, which I would never have expected. Bullet dodged. Dayum. And a not so good dayum at that.

I guess you really don't ever really know someone. Still a bit shocked by this one.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ohhh, Come with Me Now

First, scratch the sex toy party referenced in the last post. The person who puts on the parties never got back to my neighbor, so no penis-shaped cookies for me tonight.

There's a song that's been noodling around in my brain -- "Come With Me Now" by the group Kongos. Go ahead and click on the YouTube link there and have a listen. I'll wait...

Okay, back now. That song is sooo now on top of my list of songs that just get to me. And that one is now at the very top of that list. Dayum. Hearing it just makes me want to dance or have sex or hell, both.

It does not hurt at all that the lead singer is sex on a stick. He looks a bit like the latest Superman, Henry Cavill, but with his longer hair, he's a dirtier/naughtier version of Cavill and I strongly approve. Yum.

Enjoy the song, kids.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sex Toy Parties

Haven't posted in a while, so thought I'd come back with a bang, so to speak. ;)

Attending a neighbor friend's sexy toy party this weekend. It's funny because I'll usually pass on most home product parties (despite selling Pampered Chef and Avon for over a year...) but going to this one wasn't even a question. It was a must-attend.

How could I pass this up? Learn about and purchase some new toys and get hang-time with some very cool female neighbors and friends? Abso-fuckin-lutely -- as Mr. Big from Sex and the City would say.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


A few random thoughts from the past couple of days --none of which deserved a full blog post. :)

- There is a Kickstarter campaign to make a FitBit for kegel exercises, which rewards one with vibrations when you do the kegels correctly. Yes, it's basically a vibrating dildo, but you can track your kegel exercise progress. Happy exercising. ;)

- Not sure why I've never noticed this before, but car washes are hot. Most likely it's the soapy bubbles and all the water --both very sexy things --but can't say I've ever thought of it until I took my car through the car wash today. Funny how different things appear to me because of writing this blog.

- Chocolate-covered strawberries are also hellaciously sexy. Eating some strawberries right now, but they're plain, and I do miss the chocolate.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dress Up: It's Not Just for Halloween

For the record, I love Halloween. Love it. In fact, I've already ordered my outfit for this year and it arrived today -- going as a clown because I've always had a fear of them and if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

Well, like I said, the clown dress arrived today and holy see-through! That will either get a liner sewn into it or -- easier -- I'll wear a tank top and funky leggings under it. It came with striped tights, but those are also see-through -- and it's a hoop-bottom to the skirt, so when one sits down, the skirt either flies up in the front or the back. Classy. Hence the leggings. So, apparently, this costume is really made for a clown porn. ;) And no, I'm not going to Google clown porn. Just no.

Of course, that got me thinking not of clown porn (again, no), but of dressing up and role-playing. I'm a big fan of dressing up (see love of Halloween above) and also incorporating role-playing into it.

I've been Santa's naughty little helper (complete with a faux fur red and white bra and little red skirt); the schoolgirl thanks to a little plaid skirt; a stripper giving a lapdance and a strip-tease; and many others over the years. All in good, healthy fun.

So, what's your form of dress-up? I want to know.