Saturday, July 19, 2014

Ohhh, Come with Me Now

First, scratch the sex toy party referenced in the last post. The person who puts on the parties never got back to my neighbor, so no penis-shaped cookies for me tonight.

There's a song that's been noodling around in my brain -- "Come With Me Now" by the group Kongos. Go ahead and click on the YouTube link there and have a listen. I'll wait...

Okay, back now. That song is sooo now on top of my list of songs that just get to me. And that one is now at the very top of that list. Dayum. Hearing it just makes me want to dance or have sex or hell, both.

It does not hurt at all that the lead singer is sex on a stick. He looks a bit like the latest Superman, Henry Cavill, but with his longer hair, he's a dirtier/naughtier version of Cavill and I strongly approve. Yum.

Enjoy the song, kids.

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