Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bullet Dodged

File this under -- dodged a bullet. Nothing like finding out that an impression you had of someone was faulty at best. Wow.

There was a high school reunion this weekend for the class before mine. So, naturally, that got me thinking about my high school days and the guys I had crushes on then. I realized that I know what most of them have been up to (thank you, Facebook LOL), but there was one that didn't seem to be on FB. So, of course, I googled.

Wow. Wish I hadn't. The guy has a very, very unique name so it was easy to find him through Google -- but what I found was that he was charged with assault and battery a few years back on an elderly disabled person, who may have been his father. Holy hell! Not what I was expecting at all. At all.

This guy... Maaaan, when I was back in high school, he was the sweetest guy. So quiet, but insanely smart and just had this sarcastic sense of humor that I got. Loved it. He was the first guy I ever asked out. Ack... Remember, this was before Internet, so I called his home and asked him to prom. Aaah. What was I thinking? He turned me down for a very valid reason (can't say what it was because that would give it away who he is quite likely to anyone that went to high school with me). But I was of course crushed.

Knowing this, though, which I would never have expected. Bullet dodged. Dayum. And a not so good dayum at that.

I guess you really don't ever really know someone. Still a bit shocked by this one.

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