Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Oh, IM Errors....

So, that just happened...

Was IMing with a female friend who also works at my same company who was sending links to pics of this very, very hot CrossFit guy (not a clue what his name is and she doesn't know him --just knows of him since he's known in that field). Anyhoo, she sent one where the guy was clean-shaven -- he typically has a caveman-like beard. And I wrote back to her with "Holy crow! Yum!". At least I thought I wrote back to her.

Yeah, no. I had sent "Holy crow! Yum!!" to another coworker.

On the plus side, this was also a female coworker, who is a work friend, and when I explained what that sentence out of nowhere meant (and I realize now I could have pawned if off as being about lunch or something, but that didn't even occur to me at the time) she of course also wanted to see the pics and I obliged.

Had this been ohhhh my new boss, that would have been far, far worse. But Gaah. Dammit, IM windows for making it so easy to IM the wrong person.

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