Thursday, August 14, 2014

Non-Invitation to the Pants Party, Part II

Okay, so lesson learned today... I'm either amazingly hot (possible - hahaha) or just being nice makes people think I'm flirting. What the hell, guys??

I was driving down a main street today, coming home from an errand, and was about to stop at a light in front of a Dunkin Donuts. I stopped right before the DDs to let out a car that was coming out of the drive-thru because I've been stuck in that spot many times waiting to get onto the street. All I saw of the car/driver when I let them go was just the grille of the car.

The car pulled out into the lane a little bit and I made the standard "go ahead" hand wave with my usual smile and caught that the driver was a guy in his 30s or so. He gave me a huge grin back, which I assumed was just being grateful for getting out of that parking lot. I'm naive...

When the light turned green, he pulled out and then got into the lane next to where I was. No big, except that then he stayed right next to my car, despite that there was the equivalent of 5 car lengths of open spots in front of his car. There was not on my side, so I just ignored his car and didn't look over -- because hello, married! He stayed over there until the next light, when I turned off to the right and he honked and then thankfully kept going straight.

So, guys, what is the deal? Is being just polite and nice really seem as a form of flirting?

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