Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Upside of Mercury in Retrograde

Two posts in one day. What the hell? But I had to post this one, after being inspired by something that just happened.

We've all heard of the dread Mercury in Retrograde, right? Hell breaks loose, computers and all electronics stop working, etc etc... Yeah, there's another side of that, kids, and I'm here to make you see that along with some very entertaining moments that have happened in the past two days thanks to Mercury in Retrograde.

Yes, communication can go wonky. But there's a side of this time that no one really talks about. This is the time when you get a second chance and who the fuck doesn't want that, right? Have you lost touch with someone? They'll come back during this time if they're supposed to. Trust me...

Want proof? You've got it.

Yesterday morning, I was sitting in the car waiting to head inside for a job interview so I was checking FB as one does. I saw a notification of a friend request, which can always be good or gaaah. This one was REALLY good. It was from a high school friend that I'd lost touch with about a year ago. She's someone who made high school not so horrible for me -- I hated high school and was a self-conscious mess. But she complimented my outfit one day and she was seriously a fashion icon to me and it made my day then. Seriously, it was a bright spot in a crappy time and clearly stuck with me all these years. So I was glad to get back in touch on FB a few years back. We were buds sharing posts with each other and our lives, and then we just fell out of touch and unfriended for a while. I'd reached out to her a few weeks ago to share a funny video because I was thinking of her. But I couldn't pull the trigger on sending a friend request because I didn't want to risk having it rejected. And then she re-friend requested me yesterday -- on the morning of Mercury in Retrograde -- and I'm just so freaking grateful to have her back in my life.

More proof? Yesterday afternoon, I got an email from the VP of a company who was interested in talking to me about a resume I'd sent in. His name rang a bell, but I couldn't place it so I checked the name in gmail. Sure enough, I had talked to him back years ago about a Director position at his company (have to love the longevity that he's still there), but that was not at all the right fit for me then. Not even remotely. But now... Now just might be the right time for me to have a second chance (the right chance) at that company. I don't know, but it's good to have that possibility.

And one more. There's another company -- and specifically a person there -- that I've talked to over the years about working there or freelancing there. But the timing has just never been right. I was actually thinking about the person I was talking to there this morning, but haven't checked out his LinkedIn profile to see if he's even still with the company. Yeaaah... I just went to LinkedIn to see if I was connected with a friend who wanted to talk to me about contracting (we are indeed connected) and saw a new activity on my profile. I clicked and literally laughed out loud when I saw that it was that guy from that company checking out my profile.

Okay, Mercury in Retrograde, that'll do... Who else is rising from the ashes?

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