Saturday, June 14, 2014

$100 Bill in the Parking Lot

What would you have done?

I just went to Target to finish up Father's Day shopping. As I got out of my car, I looked down and saw a $100 bill sitting there. I knew that I hadn't dropped it as I don't generally carry $100 bills around -- not quite how I roll.

Yes, of course I thought of picking it up, but I didn't. Told myself that if it was still there when I came back to my car, I'd think about it then.

Well, I came back to my car and the $100 was still there letting out a siren's song to be picked up. Aaaaaaack. It was tempting, let me tell you. So tempting.

But I left it there on the ground, got in my car and drove away.

WHAAT?!! I can hear you all screaming that as you read this. But I did leave it there.

If i had picked it up, I would have felt guilty (thank you, good ol' Catholic guilt) for using money that rightfully belonged to someone else and would have felt awful if the person came back looking for the money and it wasn't there because I had taken it and they really needed it.

I'm not swimming in money, but I didn't need that $100. It wasn't mine to take. Pure and simple as that.

Let's hope that incurs some great karma... And that the karma wasn't the $100 bill being there for me. LOL

So, dear readers, what would you have done?

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