Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lessons for My Younger Self

With my 20th college reunion now behind me and a 25th high school reunion next year, I find myself thinking of the past and ways I'd change it if I could. Side note: I wouldn't change a thing because everything brought me to where I am today and my spouse and son, but still -- if I could and it wouldn't change a thing about today... Here's what I'd change:

- Be more outgoing and confident. I was a timid shy little mouse of a mouse back in high school and was convinced that I was the most boring person on the planet, so I spent pretty much every night after school in my room reading when I wasn't working. Yeah, that's a lonely existence and I don't recommend it. I'd tell my past self to look people in the eye, say "hi" and strike up a conversation.

- Ironically, I wanted no attention at all, but I wore clothes that screamed for attention -- like a white t-shirt with the song lyric of "Don't worry, be happy!" on it -- or wearing a sparkly green hat to school on Saint Patrick's Day -- and then I was surprised and horrified when people commented on it. Although that "Don't worry, be happy" shirt did get a comment from a guy I had a crush on at the time. He saw the shirt, smiled and said "Okay, I will". I believe my response was to blush like a fool, stammer out heaven knows what, and look away. Yeah, that was awesome. Cringing at the thought.

- In that same vein, wear comfortable, stylish clothes. I was so all over the place style-wise. In high school, there was a white ruffled blouse and prairie skirt (wish I was kidding!) one day to that shirt above and a black skirt the next. And yet, inside, I felt the most comfortable in classic clothes --while being attracted to the skater boys. Dichotomy, much?

- Oh, honey, tame those eyebrows. Really? And bangs are sooo your friend. Perms are not. Just no. Step away from the perm solution. Begging ya here.

- Boys really aren't as scary as you thought back then. They really are just humans like you. Talk to one. Heck, you might make a friend or get a date -- or in the best case scenario, both.

- The biggest advice I could give my younger self is that everyone has their own issues and everyone's nervous about something or thinks they're not liked. It's normal. Talking to people long after high school, I've learned that now. And found out that quite a few people thought I was awesome and so nice back then - these are all women that I thought were too "above me" for me to befriend or hell even speak to back on high school. I was a fool. :)

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