Friday, June 6, 2014

Fighting Back: Buffy and Female Empowerment against Abusers

Caught an old episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" titled "Passion" (David Boreanaz -- would) this morning before work. When I first saw the episode decades ago, I took it as face value. Vampire slayer sleeps with vampire; vampire loses his soul due to true happiness; vampire then mentally tortures vampire slayer and her family and friends; vampire slayer kicks vampire's ass. You know --your normal every day scenario.

But, watching it today at an older age, I see a whole other side to it, which takes the all too real story of abusive boyfriends/spouses and puts a vampire spin on it. Thankfully, I've never had to deal with abuse of any sort (minus some mild bullying in the form of verbal abuse in school days, which I know could have been far worse), but I know far too many people who have dealt with abusive significant others in all shapes and forms.

In "Passions", Buffy gets to fight back against her abuser by quite literally kicking his ass and then (decades-old spoiler alert) killing him and sending him back to Hell right as he gets his soul back. Man, I hate when that happens. Buffy has always been a symbol of female empowerment and is never more so than when she demolishes her abusive boyfriend. What abused person doesn't dream about that and gaining their power back?

On a serious note, if you are being abused, there is help. Check out or call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline: The Hotline

No one deserves to be abused. Period.

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