Monday, June 9, 2014

That Age Old Question: Can Men and Women be Just Friends?

Blame "When Harry Met Sally" for the thought that men and women can't be friends.

Is this really true, though? Can men and women never be friends without sex getting in the way?

I say they can. And here's why -- or should I say how it can work.

If either one is gay. If the man is gay and the woman is straight (and has no thoughts on trying to get him to change teams -- never works. Trust "Seinfeld" on this one, ladies), sex will never be a part of the friendship, so it's easy. If the woman is gay and the man is straight, it's the same -- and again, boys, don't try to change her sexual orientation. It won't happen. Stop dreaming. Just like trying to make "fetch" happen, this also won't happen.

If both are married. This can work IF both people are firmly committed to their spouses and have no interest in cheating/getting out of their marriage at all. Period.

If one is single and one is married. Playing with fire here, kids. Of course, it can work, if it's clear from the beginning you're just friends, but be careful since a problem could occur if the single person becomes interested in the married person (as a friend said recently when turning down a married guy that was hitting on her -- "I have no interest in playing in someone else's sandbox" -- wise words). And conversely, if the married person is friends with the single person because they're interested in them. Again, fire-playing. Burns. No good.

If both are single. This can work if neither finds the other attractive. If one finds the other attractive; but the second person doesn't feel the same, you're heading towards a lot of hurt feelings. Does anyone really want that? But you can also find each other attractive with the knowledge that it's never going to happen because you value your friendship too much. Men and women have different views on things and different experience that the other can find helpful and appreciate.

Men and women CAN be friends.You just need to be careful, but it can wind up being one of the best friendships of your life.

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